

Miguel Angel Camacho Campos

Desarrollador Full Stack

About Me

Hi, I'm Miguel, a student Engineering at the Universidad Tecnica del Norte de Guanajuato (UTNG). I am a Java developer, I also have experience in the development of Android, Web and iOS applications, Currently, I am focusing on the Programming with javascript. Apart from coding, I love going to hackathons, attending conferences and traveling. You can find me in these places, but the most reliable way to contact me is to send an email.


SOMA SOMA Tecnologías y Medios de Pago (2019 - Actualidad)

Programador. Desarrollo de soluciones basadas en tecnologías modernas, escalables y robustas. Uso de tecnología REST API, Single Page Application, Progressive Web Apps, Microserivces, Containers, etc.

MTI Consultoria MTI Consultoria (2018 - 2018)

Desarrollo de módulos y mejoras en tecnología ORACLE en sistema empresarial ERP, manejando Forms y Reports. Lenguaje de programación PLSQL.

My GitHub